How to Create a Peaceful, Charming Guesthouse from a Portable Barn

by Jan 6, 2022Shed Design Tips

Significant renovations—like added rooms—can involve lots of expense and headaches. Sometimes, it’s just easier to build a detached guesthouse. That way, you won’t throw your home into disarray during construction, and you can give your guests both space and privacy. Fortunately, turning a Heritage portable barn into a beautiful living space isn’t that hard. Just follow a few steps. 

Check local laws and regulations.

You always need to check with your local government before placing any building on your property so you can comply with all laws and regulations. For a guesthouse, you should research very carefully. Find out any rules about detached living spaces, such as regulations regarding the building’s placement, electrical wiring, and plumbing. If you live in an area with a homeowners’ association, you will need to check with them about rules, as well.  

Plan carefully before you purchase.

Of course, you’ll need to find the right portable barn unit for your guesthouse. You can get a prefabricated or custom design through Heritage Portable Buildings, and you can choose from options like porches, double doors, and extra windows. 

But, as you design your new space, you also need to carefully consider the interior layout. For example, will you install a bathroom or kitchenette? Do you want to include a couch and living space for friends and family or limit the furnishings to a bed? After making these decisions, calculate how much room you will need to accommodate your plans and purchase the correctly sized building. 

Heritage | Portable Shed | Guest House | Interior
Portable Building | Costly Mistakes to Avoid when Ordering  Heritage Portable Building
Heritage Portable Buildings | Portable Shed | Guest House | Interior

Get smart upgrades.

When you order your portable barn, remember to include upgrades that will keep your guests comfortable, like sealed doors and windows and insulation. No one wants to stay in a place that isn’t sufficiently heated or cooled.

Finish out the building.

After you finalize and purchase your Heritage portable barn, we’ll send a driver to place it wherever you desire on your property. Then, it’s up to you to put the finishing touches on your guesthouse. You’ll need to install wiring, plumbing, drywall, heating, and air conditioning, along with any bathroom or kitchen furnishings and appliances you want. 


Many people enjoy this final step the most. After you’ve completed your building, it’s time to make it feel welcoming. Paint the walls, carry in a bed, and hang art and photos around the rooms. We also suggest that you look for dual-purpose furniture to maximize your space. For example, opt for a couch with a fold-out bed or a coffee table that you can also use as a dining table. 

If you need any help choosing the right unit for a guesthouse, don’t hesitate to call.  


353 Pease Rd Burlington, WA 98233

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