4 Ways to Prep Portable Cabins for Beautiful, Spring Weather

by Mar 3, 2022Shed Maintenance Tips

There’s always a lot of work to be done when the weather turns warm or cold. You must maintain your vehicles, prep your lawn, and care for your house. You should also do some work around your shed. So first, look at our tips for winterizing portable cabins, and then follow the advice below to prepare for spring.


Clear Out and Clean

It’s easier to spring clean portable cabins when they’re not overflowing with clutter. So, sort through the items in your building and dump the junk. Next, separate everything into piles, sell or give away unneeded possessions, and then clean and maintain anything you plan to keep. 

Then, sweep your shed and clean the windows. 

Check for Pests

While your building stands empty, check for any signs of pests, such as hives or droppings. Clear out the mess, and then plan for pest control. You can either set traps and use pesticides yourself or call a pest control company for help. Also, fix any holes that critters may have bored in the floors or walls before placing items back in your building.

Inspect the Roof

Look for any leaks or loose shingles and fix them immediately. You can also grab a ladder for a better look. Never—ever—skip this step, especially if you use the building for storage. Nothing spoils beloved possession like roof leaks in portable cabins.

Spruce Up the Outside

Your final task for spring is to clean up your shed’s exterior. First, power wash the outside so it will gleam in the sun, and then rake leaves away from the base of the building to prevent rot. You can also add a fresh layer of mulch around the base to suppress weeds and give your shed a tidy look. Then, add new plants or trim existing bushes to keep your shed charming.

Heritage Portable Buildings | Portable Cabins | Spring | Burlington | Washington

If you have any questions about the maintenance or design of portable cabins, our experts are ready with answers. Just give us a call. 


353 Pease Rd Burlington, WA 98233

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